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Conquering Anxiety

Young stressed student

Anxiety manifests in everyday situations – whether it is a job interview, an exam, an important work meeting or a big date. Another example is when athletes feel some anxiety prior to competing in a big game. Some anxiety in these types of situations can actually provide focus and energy to allow us to do our best. Anxiety becomes a problem when it is continuous and extreme.

Alternative Approaches to Allergies

Hayfever and allergies

The incidence of allergies in the western world seems to have reached the level of an epidemic. Beyond the fact that the sudden increase could be the result of a greater awareness of the dysfunction, it is now suspected that our modern lifestyle itself might be one of the major culprits. The level of stress …

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What is Myofascial Cupping?

Myofascial cupping therapy

What is myofascial cupping? How will it help me? First of all, myocupping is a form of massage, done with traditional Chinese cups (using a suction method instead of fire). How do I do this type of massage? I warm the area up with my hands and massage balm, apply the cups, continue the massage …

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Treating Cancer with Oriental Medicine (Part 2)

Chinese herbal remedies

In our last article on this topic, we compared the Western and Eastern different treatment strategies for cancer .We explained why these two medical systems complement each other so well. Western medicine being very effective in removing cancer tumours cells, but ill equipped for treating the inner cause of the illness, whereas Chinese medicine, while not powerful enough to kill the tumours, can be very effective in strengthening the body’s immunity…